Today Hayden (Crebbin) Palm, our sweet craft house lady from Summer 2015, went to be with Jesus. A few weeks ago, I wrote this letter to Hayden. I had just had a dream about her the night before and woke up wanting to tell her how special and rare she is. But I just let the letter sit and didn’t get to share my goodbye with her. The letter below was meant for the eyes of Hayden but now looking at this letter I am realizing this letter is for all you readers who knew Hayden and were impacted by something she did or said. I hope this letter helps put words to how Hayden changed your life.
Dear Hayden,
I remember asking JB if you would be good for the craft house. I remember specifically asking if you would be good for the whole of camp, would she be able to leave an artistic crafty trail around the whole place that points people to the theme and to Jesus? JB assured me you would. You did not fail. I had no idea how big a mark you would make. I gave you a very underdeveloped idea and you ran with it. I would give you my not so fully thought-out ideas and scraps of papers with pictures I found and you made them big and brilliant art installations. And then one day after our program meeting you asked me if it was alright to go the doctors to get the bump on your face looked at/removed. I told you I'd been to the plastic surgeon and she was great. I remember the look in your eyes when you came back. I don't think it was even fear I saw, it was something straight from the Lord. You asked me if you could share a devotion that night at campfire. You sat on the edge of the stage and ever so eloquently spoke about your diagnosis and all the things you didn't know but the one thing you knew was God was still God and He is good. I cried in the back listening to your strength and every time I think of you or read something you've written those tears come back. Hayden, you have been such a bright light and even though your time has been short you have stolen the hearts of so many with your love for Jesus, your strength, your beauty, your words, your singing, your humility, your honesty, and your art. You make everything beautiful and you have made a beautiful mark on camp and on my mind. You, my friend, have been above and beyond what I expected. I am so thankful for who you were. Love you.
Grace & peace,
Amber Grgich
Join us as we continue to pray for Hayden’s family.